Specialising as a leather fetishist domme, I have an extensive collection of real leather. None of which is pleather AKA plastic.
Dommes who specialises in real leather are few and far between. My particular interest in leather within the context of BDSM (Bondage, Discipline, Dominance, Submission, Sadism, Masochism) has spanned decades. Photos by Frankinsella.

Leather Fetishist Dominatrix
Leather fetishism refers to a sexual attraction or arousal from leather garments, their texture, smell, and appearance. Leather is often associated with power, authority, and rebellion, making it a significant element in BDSM attire. Especially mine as a domme.

Fetishists might be aroused by wearing leather, seeing others in leather, or engaging in activities where leather plays a central role, like bondage with leather bags, hoods, restraints, pegging sling or spanking with leather implements.

Fetishist and domme
Domme, or dominatrix is what I would call myself as dominant woman in BDSM/fetish scene. Also an educator and Rubber Cult club promotor. All my play is consensual. A dominant role for power exchange, often involving pain, sensory play, sensory deprivation, control, discipline, or erotic humiliation. My role can vary widely, from psychological domination to physical control, but it's always rooted in the mutual consent.

Specific type of dominatrix might wear leather as part of her persona or scene attire, enhancing the erotic and power dynamics of BDSM activities. She could use leather items in her sessions, focusing on the sensory aspects like touch, sound, and smell of leather, or employ leather in more direct BDSM practices like bondage, flogging, or as part of a humiliation or worship scenario. The allure for both the Domme and the submissive can be deeply psychological and physical, tied to the material's connotations of strength, control, and traditional domination aesthetics.
Real leather

Specific scene attire as a dominatrix might involve wearing leather as part of her personal style or the use of leather uniforms in the power dynamics of BDSM activities. Leather items are my 'go-to' in my sessions. I love the sensory aspects like touch, sound, and smell of leather.

Employ leather more directly via flogging or paddling, or as part of a the humiliation of a worship scenario. The allure for both myself the submissive can have a deeply psychological and physical effect. I love the traditional domination aesthetics.
Client equipment in real leather

In conclusion, a Leather Fetishist Domme is one of the things I would call myself. One who uses leather as a central element of her practice, both in my attire and in the activities I conduct, tapping into the fetishistic and erotic qualities of leather to enhance the power exchange between myself and my submissive, slave, masochist of fellow fetishist.

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Miss Kim 💋