Group Mistress Parties 2018

Here are the dates for our Group Mistress Parties 2018, get them in your diaries now.

Mistress Vanessa and I have been operating the Group Mistress Parties 2018 for 15 years now and we have clients that have been coming that long!

Our resident Mistresses includes; the Original Miss Raven, Mistress Silk and Mistress Black Peony. That means there are always five of us to lead you into acts of pervery and BDSM, in the 'two' very well-equipped dungeons and the medical room.

Plus selected ladies of the Club RUB Mistress Workshop, taught by Miss Kim fo the last six years. All keen, eager and enthusiastic.

Mistress Vanessa & Miss Kim’s Dungeon Party 2018 dates:

February 6th

April 10th

June 5th

August 7th

October 9th

December 4th

Join us? The Ladies Require Your Presence!

Book via Mistress Vanessa's website.

On the chosen date arrive at 6pm or shortly after. You change, then are given a glass of wine upon arrival into the main play room, by the maid or butler. We do introductions for both Mistresses and submissives.

It's an action packed night, no sitting around. Play commences in the chambers; which consist of spanking benches, suspension, cage, rack, St. Andrews plethora of toys! At 8pm we stop play for freshly made sandwiches, cake and wine.

You usually get to play with most of the ladies present. BDSM action carries on till 9.55pm. Carriages at 10pm...home!

Group Mistress Parties 2018

Group Mistress Parties

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Miss Kim x






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