So you want to go pro domme? Then join my London Mistress Mentor workshop!
It’s not all about picking up a crop and paddle and expecting the clients to come in droves. Not that they won’t, it just takes a while to establish yourself. Then it might not happen like you think it’s going to.
All that glitters is not gold – sometimes it’s sweat and cum stains on your tights. It’s not just about the sexy looks, the glamour, the carefully selected outfit, that gets the client going. There isn’t always an adoring submissive hanging on your every word. It isn’t the delight of playing dress-up, having your feet adored, your gloved fingers and layers upon layers of expertly applied make up gazed at. It isn’t even how to choreograph a session. What the Mistress Workshop class will teach you is those things and so much more than that.
First of all, how did you end up here? Well, there is a reason you have followed this trail that has led you to this blog. As a result, I hope I have lured you in, and piqued your interest about my monthly London Mistress Mentor Workshop. So this is only a small part of why you should signed up for the class - after all, you only live once. Don’t expect to merely learn how to wield a whip, as there is a lot more to it than that.
Teaching my workshop all over the UK and Europe, from 60 person workshop in Manchester, to couples coaching, small groups like Hen Parties, to mentoring new pro-dommes. My beginners Workshops includes an introduction to BDSM, your style, erotic spanking demo, how to conduct a session, business coaching and setting up as a pro. Plus a whole lot more delivered with a fun and lighthearted teaching style but PACKED with information.
Teaching is my joy, I love passing on my knowledge and wisdom to all women whereever you are on your Mistress journey. No judgement at whatever stage you are at, I encourage everybody to learn and experience.

First a little bit about me and why I make it work as a professional dominatrix. Here are some of the less obvious things that are covered in my Mistress Workshop.
I really didn’t understand exactly why I loved BDSM so much. Upon further reflection and through experience, I grew to understand that it’s really about the passion I feel for it. When a woman does something naughty or titillating, that can be exciting. When a lady does it, it’s even hotter because it's sass with class. If you’re not excited by this, then it’s not for you!

It starts with confidence and positivity at my London Mistress Mentor Workshop.
Body Confidence
There is no hiding in a tight fetish outfit. You must have body confidence, at least visually. It’s about taking the feminine to the extreme, and significantly and unapologetically exaggerating it. You must learn the most effective ways to showcase the very best parts of you. I can take off a glove and make it tantalising because it’s also about anticipation, attitude and symbolism. Nobody tells me what to do. That’s my call, and they will say, “Thank you, Miss Kim”.

Like I didn’t have it already, but there it was in abundance. I’m naturally a go-getter, with a sense of humour and an ability to do anything I set my mind to. My life is performance art, my part in the fetish scene has helped me build my confidence. I learned to pretend, “fake it, until I make it”, until over time and educating myself - it happened. You will be shown how a positive mental attitude is half the battle.

This is eighth year of my London Mistress Mentor Workshop.
Hard Limits
It’s might be a sexual act, and exhibitionism is a part of it. However, know where you want it to stop. Call it performance art if you have a hard time calling it sex work. Some people think that BDSM is about degradation, objectification and disempowerment. They couldn’t be further from the truth. I’m the one who decides what happens. I’m in charge because, I’m the mistress.

There have been hundreds of ladies take my London Mistress Mentor Workshop.
We are a swarm (Queen Bees) of women who do this professionally, and as a lifestyle - for fun! Which ever camp you fall into, we were all in it together. As a group, we understand the sultry magic of what we do. We cheered each other on, rejoicing in our femininity and power.

Looking back on where I have all come from, it’s exciting to see what a life I have created. As a professional domme, and educator, I aim to help and network with my fellow dominatrixes and lifestyle mistresses. While it wasn’t the career path I had envisaged as a young girl, it’s been a fantastic ride, and I’m blessed to have found myself here. A life full of lessons in sexiness, confidence, insights and sisterhood. Strangely all perfectly timed to have got me to this point. Many of my life goals have come to fruition. I know that I have made wise choices and investments.
My history over the last 30 years can be found on here
In my 31st year on the BDSM/fetish scene, I have a new project underway which will be launched later this year, and have made the last payment on my second home in Spain. #Lifegoals #newgoals
Photographs and films: want to see more of me via my clips site: OnlyFans
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Important: the only way to book an appointment or to ask questions is to call Miss Kim by calling on: +44.7729 003220
Miss Kim x