Brand Workshop

Strangely, there is nowhere more over-populated for pro dommes than the UK. Get a Brand Workshop and stand out from the rest.

Brand Workshop and change that anonymity

So many, but who are they? Are you one of them? Get a Brand Workshop and change that anonymity. No one is suggesting that you should be like me. However, do you think I have a strong brand? Do you have a clear idea and image of my brand? Perhaps I can help you!

Need more customers? Wondering why you don't have them? Doing the same as everyone else, but not working for you? Ask yourself, do you have a clear brand?

Twitter, now X, is where I follow hundreds of ladies, some trans too - Pro and Lifestyle Dommes in the UK, a few Fin Dommes also! I have a pretty good idea of who is a successful dominatrix, and definitely know why!

Don't under estimate the what a strong brand can do for you

Group workshops would simply not work for this kind of workshop, so these will be on a 1-2-1 basis, available seven days a week. The duration will depend up you, how long you have been in the industry and how quick you pick things up. Two to three hours duration with homework, then a follow up chat.

All of my other seven other workshops are priced at £150. However, as this is longer, and with the follow up consultation, it's only £200.

Twitter, now X, is where I follow hundreds of ladies, some trans too - Pro and Lifestyle Dommes in the UK, a few Fin Dommes also! I have a pretty good idea of who is a successful dominatrix, and definitely know why!

Very few stand out. Some really stand out, but is it for good or bad reasons?

Deciding how you will present yourself has probably been, just like you learnt your skills...just by looking at someone else and copying them!!!

Recently I had an amazing young woman in my Mistress Workshop who wanted to be a 'disciplinarian'. Something I'm sure she admired in others, but something, I feel, didn't fit with her authentic self. Her brand was obvious to me. Once I shared my thoughts with her, she got it! She's unique. If she moves forward into her authenticity, she will stand out from the crowd.

Brand identity can be obvious or something you work towards

Currently working with another 'newcomer' mistress, so I hope to have a case study for my Brand Workshop on here soon. Please come back. The workshops will start from January 1st 2024. It's my desire to work with every level of mistress, and this may particularly work for a well established mistresses, who wants to 'level up'.

Building a brand will level you up. Take my brand workshop soon

Brand Workshop

In conclusion, if you want 2024 the year when you made a difference, this is where it starts. Call 07778596047 and book a workshop on a day that suits you.

Finally, I love teaching, passing on my wisdom, helping other ladies, it's not about making money or being famous, it's a genuine will to help others.

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Important: the only way to book an appointment, or to ask questions is to call Miss Kim on: +44 7729 003220.

Unique to me is my linktree - a one-stop-shop for ALL my 26 links!

Miss Kim 💋

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