Definitely a Positive Mental Attitude Mistress!
Hello! You don't just wake up positive. It's a conscious decision. A muscle that you need to exercise, and just like exercise you have to work at it. Enrich your life and be a positive mental attitude mistress.
Don't just listen or watch any of these on my 'reading list' once, because repetition is the key!
Podcasts listening is something I do EVERYDAY. Here are some of my favourites.
Oprah Winfrey Super Soul Conversations
The Tony Robbins Podcast
Russell Brand Under The Skin and many more.
Read and listen to as many positive mental attitude resources - Mistress.
Audio books
Real Magic by Wayne Dyer
Evolve Your Brain by Dr. Joe Dispenza
Chimp Paradox by Prof. Steve peters
Power of Vulnerability by Brene Brown
Know when to have some fun and don't take yourself too seriously. Get A Life!

- Dr. Joe Dispenza AKA God!
- Watch: and
- Oprah Winfrey OWN Channel:
- Tony Robbins
- Marianne Williamson:
- Fearless Soul:
Once you have become a positive mental attitude Mistress you will want to help others.

Love, love love to help people because it feeds my soul. Recently I was talking to a close friend about his health. It's very poor! He was saying he wants to go to the gym. I personally think you have to sort your head out first. NB: I'm not talking about mental health issues, just bad habits. Folks make the wrong life choices for a reason. Get yourself a good PMA, and the body realignment will follow, finally impacting on your soul. That's when you want to help people.
Number one Positive Mental Attitude Mistress!

Slave testimonial:
I feel compelled to write this review in relation to changes in my life due to Positive Mental Attitude. Last year I suffered from a range of physical and mental issues. I had endured chronic pain for months which in turn my mental health deteriorated to the point where I attempted suicide.
Thankfully I was unsuccessful and finally I had to get surgery at the end of last year to try and ease the chronic pain. Whilst in post operative surgery recuperation, I discovered Miss Kim on twitter. Straight away I was in awe of Her positivity. I am naturally submissive and I have served Dommes and Pro Dommes over the last 10 yrs but something is uniquely different with Miss Kim. I sent an initial Amazon gift card and then we spoke on the phone. I realised now that on reflection that phone call was the catalyst to my positive mental attitude journey.

Miss Kim asked me a few questions and I explained I was in recuperation and I started with weekly tasks. The next couple of months I did not really grasp the opportunity that was presented in front of me but slowly I began to listen to Miss Kims positive comments towards me.
"My positive mental attitude mistress".
Miss Kim never gave out to me but gently suggested positive steps. Miss Kim always listened to me and advised me on good basic habits, look after my body, reflection, meditation, reading, exercise and eat healthily.
I have now embraced all this advice, I have managed to lose 18lbs in weight, I feel happier in myself and I look forward to every day now.
She is a dominant Lady who has amazing intuition and I am living proof that positive mental attitude works. I had a heath issue again this week, but this time I can deal with it positively and still move on with my life.
The key in my mind is routine. Once you find a good routine, stick to it. Reaffirmation is very important as well. Give yourself a pat on the back if you do something well. I am so happy that Miss Kim is in my life and I am submissive and I will always be grateful for Miss Kim's help.
Silly loser
Check out my social media on the HOME page and the BLOGS page. Follow me on Instagram? Twitter? Fetlife - MissKimRub? Pinterest?
Appreciation for my blogging? I have a Wish List if you would like to show me how much! Amazon money gift cards or gifts on my wish list are most welcome, because giving fills you with joy.
The only way to book an appointment or to ask questions is to call Miss Kim by telephone: +44.7729 003220 Please do not text me as I don't like to spend time texting. I prefer to speak to you.
Services are all here including details of online sessions.
Miss Kim x