30 Day Mistress Challenge is for dommes (and subs).
Responding to a friend who is experiencing some mental health issues, I decided to try and help with a positive plan of action - a 30 Day Mistress Challenge. Please feel free to try all or some of these suggestions.
If you feel you would like some accountibility to help you keep on track, you are welcome to email me misskimrub@btinternet.com everyday to say what you have accomplished.
30 Day Mistress Challenge can be started anytime for a 30 day period
Starting from the beginning of January 2021 (or any day), do as many as you can.
1st: Tidy up and reorganise your life. It's a great things to do at the start of any new year. We all think 2021 is going to be so different with regard to Covid! I doubt it. It's time to do our own personal 'different for 2021'.

2nd: Create new habits, like make your bed or get organised and write a 'to do' list before you go to bed, for the next day. What's your new habit?
3rd: Independent life, is for those who have got so entangled in the wrong situations and relationships. Do something on your own, like a educational class, or exercise. Open up a new private bank account and save for 'your' rainy day. Or just leave them! It's something to think about.
4th: Get rid of bad habits and start good new ones. Healthier breakfast. Get out of bed as soon as the alarm goes off. Stop smoking. Get your outfit ready for the next day before you go to bed!
5th: Bigger habits. I started my Twitter daily films in early October, which then turned into my Christmas Vlogging. Also during 2020 I took a photo of Tower Bridge, on my morning walk, every day. Then post it to my Instagram. I also had a period of posting my perfumes, also an 'outfit-a-day' and the books in my fetish library.
Good morning darlings pic.twitter.com/zInf2W16yv
— Miss Kim Rub (@misskimrub) October 10, 2020
Good morning darlings. pic.twitter.com/jvisYsZHvj— Miss Kim Rub (@misskimrub) October 11, 2020
In conclusion, habits are a good thing in my 30 day mistress challenge
6th: Look better. Feel better. Comb your hair, lipstick on, smart clothes. I find if I post a piccy every day, folks expect it, and it makes me do it.
7th: Excercise daily. It doesn't have to be a visit to the gym. It can be a bike ride to the shops, a scenic walk or a dozen favourite exercises at home. Just do it. Put a calendar on the wall and a big green tick ✅ if you do it that day.
8th: Clean out your handbag. I've bought one of those handbag organizer, multi-pocketed inserts. Pull it out and pop it into any bag...that way you don't forget stuff if you choose a different bag.
9th: Stop apologising and/or feeling sorry for yourself. Easier said than done if that's your modus operandi. Catch yourself wallowing and stop it...one day at a time.
10th: Get your finances in order. Write it all down. Have a filing system for bills. Listen to one of my favourite Podcasts called Suze Orman...she is amazing.
11th: Watch some self improvement films and Ted talks. Read my blog to get started on spiritual self enlightenment.
12th: Be grateful and make a list. Every day when you get up say three things you are grateful for. Not just today but everyday. I also do it as I'm falling asleep. It's a great way to drift off.
Make friends on your 30 day mistress challenge
13th: Smile at your neighbours and shop keepers. Be nice. Do it today and see what happens. The ‘Cancelled’ culture is rifest the moment. Please don’t join in with online bullying, trolling and slander. It effects people of all ages, regarding the toxicity and devastation social media can cause. I want to bring light to this subject as joining in makes you as bad as the person that started it.
14th: Toxic friends need to be phased out. There is no reason to be harsh, so do this gradually. Just take a step back. In your mind wish them the best.
15th: Keep things to yourself. Over sharing (washing your dirty linen in public) is a curse of social media. Folks over share, then wonder why they are getting judged.
As a result of being half way through the month, you should pat yourself on the back for today.
16th: Keep in closer touch with family and/or friends. These are the people that you can really turn to if the shit hits the fans. If you have neglected them and need something, don't be surprised if it isn't forthcoming. Reach out today with a call, a card or a gift. I used to send my mother an, 'oramental heart' for her home...until she told me..."that's enough"! She loves them though.

17th: Join the 5am club...or maybe a little later. However, getting up early really does set you up well for the day. Of course, you need to go to bed earlier, which is why you make you bed/bedroom very inviting. This way you can drift off to sleep early. Early to bed, early to rise. Don't take the phone with you!
18th: Act like a lady, this is were I sound old fashioned. The women we admire are usually elegant and classy, not the Katie Price's and Snooky's of this world.
Acting ladylike is part of the 30 day mistress challenge
19th: Set some new boundaries for yourself and others. Partying too much? Others taking you for granted. Using you? Sit down, think about how you would like it. Write it down and tell those that need to know.
20th: Have a quiet day with no digital. Very hard to do as we use our devises to see what the weather is going to be like, check on deliveries etc. Choose a Sunday and have some things planned, so you don't reach for it.

21st: Have an art and culture day. On day 10 of Miss Kim Mass, the lovely Mistress Mika came over and we did some art together. We both have a keen interetst for in artistic pursuits.
22nd: Eat healthy. Most folks think they do, until they write it down. It will help you lose weight too.
23rd: Rewrite your game plan/ website/ goals. Don't let life happen at you. You decide what you want. Make a plan.
24th: Plan a trip even if it’s only a day trip. I love going to Brighton, even in the winter. Hastings is on my list. Fab for a fish and chip, and windswept day on the beach (obvs when we can safely).
25th: Purge your wardrobe. Out with the old. Make way for the new. I've just got new matching hangers for all my stuff. Looks great. Plus all my clothes are in bags.

26th: Write down your best qualities. Maybe you have never thought about it before? What makes you unique and special? Announce it!
In conclusion, journaling could be the positive you get out of the 30 day mistress challenge
27th: Consider journaling every day. A great way to be accountable and get your life in order.
28th: Meditate or create a relaxing space. Have a 10, 15, 20 minutes time out. You time.
29th: Go outdoors every day. If you havent recently...go out now. Shoes and jacket on...off you go.
30th: Start a daily 'to do' list. I'm obessed with list. Sometimes, somethings get carried over to the next day, day after day, after day, after day! But that's OK. It will get done eventually.
For instance and finally on the 31st: Go and tell everyone on social media how helpful this was and tell them February is a good month to start. Helping others is the most uplifting thing we can do, after gratitude, of course. Thank you for taking time to read this.
Just remember, I'm here for you if you need me.
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Photographs and films: want to see more of me via my clips site: OnlyFans
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Important: the only way to book an appointment or to ask questions is to call Miss Kim by calling on: +44.7729 003220
Miss Kim x