Perviously my yearly reviews have been a matter of details, as I've gone through each day and month in my paper diary. Now my '2024 in review' is a matter of listing the blog from each month.
January was my first.
You may think I write these for, I actually write them for myself
Love looking back at 2024 in review to see what I've done
Lost all my previous years and years of newsletters, as the service provider closed down
Writing the newsletters on my own website means they will never be lost
Finishing the year off with my usual Christmas film..."the trees got wood"! Pervious years films.
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Photographs and films: want to see more of me via my clips site LoyalFans.
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Important: the only way to book an appointment, or to ask questions is to call Miss Kim on: +44 7729 003220.
Unique to me is my linktree - a one-stop-shop for ALL my 26 links!
Miss Kim 💋